Charter for Compassion - Compassionate City and Community Application

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A compassionate city is an uncomfortable city!  A city that is uncomfortable when anyone is homeless or hungry.  Uncomfortable, if every child isn’t loved and given rich opportunities to grow and thrive.  Uncomfortable, when as a community we don’t treat our neighbors as we would wish to be treated.

 ~ Karen Armstrong, Founder of the global movement, The Charter for Compassion

Compassionate Communities are any community that decides to endorse the Charter for Compassion. You can join at a beginning stage as a Compassionate Initiative, build your Compassionate Community, and apply for your City to become a Compasionate City. You can register at any stage, as soon as you do, we'll add your community to our list of Charter Initiatives.

Charter Initiatives are the communities at work, laying the groundwork to identify issues on which they wish to work on and are in dialogue with their local government representatives. Charter Initiatives can be initiated by one person, organization or group that get involved with the Charter for Compassion, and apply the toolbox strategies to formalize the Community Initiative.

Compassionate City is a more formal step where your local government decides to endorse the Charter. Over 121 City and local governments have already signed the Charter for Compassion as a Compassionate City. In some cases, these cities have adopted the Charter for Compassion as it is written, in other cities, the Charter has been adapted to include working relationships of citizens with the governing entity.

In the Community Application below, please tell us about yourself and your organization. You'll become the main contact for this Compassionate Innitative or Community. We'll use the information to send you a newsletter, we'll create a Compassionate City or Initiative webpage for you, invite you to events, and provide opportunities for you to connect with like-minded others also working to bring the Charter for Compassion to life.

Please invite your family, friends and community to Affirm the Charter as Individuals and join us too! Ask them to join our events with you, everything we do is better when we're more!

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