Never Ever, Ever, be RemindedHappy PRIDE month, Charter Family! As a queer person, having this dedicated Pride month makes me feel so many feelings, but more on that later! I want to share with you something that happened to me this week, something, I think, is worth sharing. Just for reference, I drive a small hatchback, sort of sporty. It’s low and speedy, and has treated me well for many years. The other day, my partner and I were driving home from buying some groceries, feeling great that we had taken care of some long overdue house errands, ready to get home and stock the fridge—ready to cook more, eat out less, save some money, and eat healthier. Waiting for the green light, I looked at my partner, and I got this mushy feeling all over my body, filling me with such gratitude for life at that very moment. Feeling so grateful for his love and for me to be able to love him, to be a team and support each other, and make a life together. It’s so cool to be together. I love him…! I felt gratitude for being able to be together without feeling prosecuted or unsafe because…