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EdNet Forum: Peacebuilding Connections August 15, 2024

 Registration is closed for this event
The Education Network Forum (EdNet Forum) is the Charter for Compassion's way to experience new philosophies, pedagogies, and methodologies of education as they are in practice today. It is also an opportunity to explore the neuroscience of the brain and its relationship to education. At the same time, it is our way of opening the door to seeing how social-emotional learning, the acquisition of spiritual growth, compassion, and kindness can be modeled and taught as a skill. Our intention in offering the Forum is to cover relevant topics from conception of a child to parenting and exploring the continual timeline of learning to the end of life.

With Bob Schlehuber

Building Peace through Art, Culture and Events

We use art, culture and events to connect broad and diverse individuals and organizations around non-violent goals and objectives to build a more peaceful world.

The presentation will focus on the physical process of building peace and the importance of experiential learning for the field of peacebuilding. The presentation will feature Peacebuilding Connections and Roland Poska's "Declarations of Interdependence" project.

*Please note that this type of Charter Events are free of charge, but our organization depends on donations from participants like you, so in the next step of this registration, you are free to choose whether you want to donate or not. Your donation means the world to us, and we greatly appreciate your efforts.

15th August 2024 7:30 AM through  9:00 AM
Event Fee(s)
Charter Supporter $100.00
Compassion in Action $50.00
Ticket with Donation $25.00
Ticket with gratitude $10.00
Glad you can join us! $0.00